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Monday 12 December 2011

Rabbit & Tortoise - Part 2

In the first race, Mr Tortoise won because of Mr Rabbit's complacency. In the second race, Mr Rabbit won the way he should have won all the time...through efficiency. In the third race, Mr Rabbit was stopped on his track to achieve his usual result of winning races against Mr Tortoise. Why????

When Mr Tortoise went for soul searching he did SWOT to discover his Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat. The reason he requested change to the race route is because he wants to capitalize on his strength.  He is slow on land but in water he is faster than Mr Rabbit. So the route he had requested includes a river crossing. Mr Rabbit stopped on the banks of the river, trying to figure out how he could cross. Time passed and Mr Tortoise arrived at the scene. With a smile, he start his river crossing, leaving Mr Rabbit on the bank while he continue his race on the other side. Mr Tortoise won the race while Mr Rabbit was left to ponder on his misfortune......He should have taken the swimming lesson at Dolphin Swimming Academy.

Mr Tortoise taught us a very important lesson in Management - to win is to capitalize on our strength against our competitors. We need to play on a field that we can win or is disadvantaged to our opponents. To Mr Rabbit learned another lesson of not being complacent. While we are winning and think we could win forever, our competitors will be thinking of a way to beat us.

The story did not end here. Keep tuning in for the final race.

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