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Sunday 4 December 2011

PESUMAS 1Malaysia Orphan Charity Program

I conducted a motivation session for participants of the inaugural charity program organised by PESUMAS at Dolphin Swimming Academy. The 2 day 1 night program is aimed at providing opportunity to the underprivileged children to acquire aquatic competence. This first program is supported by Dolphin Swimming Academy and Pro Mind Resources. We welcome any individuals or organisations that would like to sponsor future programs. Your donations will go into paying for the children transportation, accommodation and meals. The Aquatic Competence module provided by Dolphin Swimming Academy and Motivation module provided by Pro Mind Resources are our contribution to society. Visit Pesumas at blogspot for details of the program. Please contact Pro Mind Resources or Dolphin Swimming Academy to find out more on how you could contribute to this charitable cause. Here's some photos of the motivation session. More photos of the program will be uploaded at Pesumas blog or facebook.

Self introduction

Paper planes to demonstrate a point

Self introduction

You have full control

Participants are mixed age

Very attentive

I talked about "Kecemerlangan Diri"

I was helped by my son - Zainuddin

I pray for the children to be successful

Enjoyed the session.

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