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Thursday 22 December 2011

Rabbit & Tortoise - Part 4

A press conference were called. The organizer announced that this will be the final race between Mr Rabbit and Mr Tortoise. The race is dubbed the mother of all races, the race that will decide who between the two competitors will be declared the best racer. Mr Rabbit promised his supporters that he will not go into complacency. Mr Tortoise promised his supporters that he will throw in a surprise...just wait and see. He is determined to be the winner of this race. To everyone's surprise, it was decided that the race will be on the same as the previous route; yes the route that include a river crossing. Did Mr Rabbit attended Dolphin Swimming Academy to gain aquatic competence that he was so confident now to cross the river and win the race?

Race day: it was a sell out crowd. Spectators, supporters and pressmen lined the route. Both side of the river bank where the river crossing part of race to be held were packed as the public wants to find out how Mr Rabbit would get across, thus beating Mr Tortoise.

"BANG!!" heard at the starting line to signal both competitors to start the race. Wait!!!! What's happening??. Spectators at the grandstand could not believe what they are seeing....Mr Rabbit picked up Mr Tortoise!! They had decided to collaborate! Mr Rabbit made the dash to the river with Mr Tortoise on his back. When they arrived at the bank, Mr Tortoise went into the water and it was Mr Rabbit turn to piggy back. Mr Tortoise swam across carrying Mr Rabbit on his back. When they reached the other side, they made the switch again. Both arrived at the finishing line together. The crowd went wild...they were caught by surprise. The synergy of both competitors had given them a win-win.

Management lesson from the story:
1. Slow and steady will win you the race sometimes.
2. Fast and consistent will win you the race all the time.
3. Capitalize your strength to win the race.
4. Synergize to win the race together.

Hope you enjoyed the story. Thank you for reading. Please leave your comments below.

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