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Sunday 18 December 2011

Rabbit & Tortoise - Part 3

So far, Mr Rabbit was beaten twice in an event that he should have won hands down. In both instances, it is due to his complacency....truly a lesson that everyone in any organisation should learn with or without experiencing it. In two of the events, the winner did soul searching and were determined to win the race....I call this behaviour as focus and execute.

Given the determination to win in both Mr Rabbit and Mr Tortoise, it is obvious by now that the loser i.e. Mr Rabbit wont give up now. Once again he went into soul searching. In some organisation this activity is called "Strategic retreat" or "away day", however way you called it, the objective is to review past performance and develop strategy to face future challenges.

Mr Rabbit thought to himself "Even if I came up with a great plan and win the next race, that Tortoise will never give up. He will come up with something to ensure a win in the following race. At this rate, I would not be doing anything else except racing with Mr Tortoise, as if I do not have any other competitors".  Hmmm isn't it true in real life situation when one is so obsessed in beating another person that a third person may come into the picture and beat both competing parties. This is called "ambush" as the two are busy trying to out-wit, out-perform, etc (trying to be on top of the other), they forget that their actions and behaviors are being watched. This in itself is an opportunity to the third party to enter the market and capture audiences that are bored with the self-centered intentions of current players. Back to the story...Mr Rabbit realised this and decided to approached Mr Tortoise with a proposition.

(Tune in next time for the concluding episode)

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