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Tuesday 1 November 2011

PPSMI - why must we learn Science and Mathematics in English

I find it interesting how parents are reacting the Government's decision to repeal PPSMI. Not that I am emotionally supporting either side but I would like to share a rationale view on why it make sense to have teaching and learning of Science and Mathematics subjects in English language (at least for now).  The first question I would like to ask is "do we have a choice of language to effectively and efficiently transfer the knowledge of Science and Mathematics other than in English language?"  Someone might point out that any language can be used to teach and learn these two subjects, and I totally agree. The fact is that these two subjects are being taught and learned in other languages besides English, for example in France, French is used; in Germany, German is used, in Japan and Korea, Japanese and Korean being used respectively. So what is the issue of using BM to teach and learn Science and Mathematics in Malaysia? It is the national language right? And all Malaysian are expected to be proficient and competent in this language. So if BM can be used to teach and learn the two subjects as it is being used to teach and learn other subjects (yes, in some schools English teachers are using BM to teach English!), so what is the PPSMI issue?

Well the question I asked was not only what language to use but what language to use to effectively and efficiently teach and learn Science and Mathematics. Granted that any language, including sign language can be used to teach and learn any subject.  However, for Science and Mathematics, the most effective and efficient language to use in Malaysian context is English. Allow me to explain by inviting you to watch the 1 min clip below (loaded from Youtube - search and you will find)

In conclusion, I would like to suggest that two conditions must be present for an effectively efficient and efficiently effective transfer of knowledge

  1. Teacher and Learner share the common language (in the clip it was English rather than Latin, the "original" language for Knowledge)
  2. The Knowledge has been effectively captured (originally or translated) in that common language to facilitate teaching and learning. (my Taiwanese classmates referred to textbooks translated into Mandarin while studying Engineering in an American College!).
If you would like to share your perspective on this issue, you are welcome to leave a comment under this posting or visit Pro Mind Resources on facebook for a real-time intellectual discourse.

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