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Tuesday 15 November 2011

Performance by SKPU3 students - Winter Sonata

What you are about to see in the video below seems like an ordinary school performance. What you do not know is the kids performing in front of a live audience (Parents/Guardian/Teachers) were (some still) stage shy. For the last 6 years in school they had not been selected to perform in any show due to, among others, they were perceived  having low social competence - shy, introvert, "hyperactive", can't follow instructions, etc. They pleaded with their teacher (my wife) to give them the opportunity, at least once in their Primary School days to showcase their performing art talent. The deal was simple: commit to the performance or your are out. Surprisingly all showed up for practice sessions and put the "extra-mile" to ensure a successful show.

I'm just proud of these kids, coincidentally they also participated in the English Camp I facilitated. Yes, some of them did performed (or forced to performed) in front of their friends. Stage fright? yes....but they overcame it.

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