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Friday 11 November 2011

PPSMI - Last remarks

I know that PPSMI will be topic of discussion long after it become part of education history in Malaysia. People will start comparing PPSMI to MBMMBI in terms of effectiveness. Some as soon as the new policy is implemented. Some after the new policy has been given a chance to proof it self, regardless which way it goes. Therefore, I've decided to give the issue a rest for now. This would be my last post with regards to the issue, unless some interesting event happened which compel me to comment.

I read with interest the news report published in the Star Nov 10. It reported the join press conference by PAGE (Parent Action Group for Education) and JMM (Jaringan Melayu Malaysia = Malaysian Malay Network). I am not part of either group. Neither to I advocate, support, or oppose these NGOs. What attracted me to include this newsclip in this posting is the statement made by PAGE Chairman Datin Noor Azimah Abdul Rahim ".....Teaching and Learning of Science and Mathematics in English (PPSMI) is not about language proficiency but gaining knowledge on Science and Mathematics through English." In other words, it is not about Language but about Knowledge.
My comment: if it is about Knowledge acquisition, then why insists on using English as the teaching and learning medium? I wrote in my earlier posting that language of knowledge is not exclusively English but can be any given language. I agree that most critical knowledge of Science and Mathematics are readily available in English language but please do not put it in such a way that it cannot be acquire by or from other languages. 

She was also reported to said "this would enable the pupils to understand and use scientific terms in English". Ah ha! now I understand why insists on English. We want our children to use "scientific terms" in that language. But wait. Is there a need? Of course! You communicate to an English speaking audience, you need to use English terms. What if you address a non-English speaking audience like in Malaysia or in Japan or in Korea etc?

My point is: drop the argument that must use English in teaching and learning Sains & Matematik (misspelling on purpose). I say: "Seek and you will find" don't put a limit to acquiring/transferring of knowledge on language. Language is not and should not be a barrier in teaching and learning. Allow me to illustrate below.

Mr Yap is deaf so he can't understand a word you say. However, he can understand what you show him or describe to him using sign language the word you are saying. Let's say Mr Yap only know the Thai Sign Language (yes, like spoken language, there are many standards for Sign Language). It is as good as Mr Yap is a Thai speaker. Amazingly, he can still learn any subject written in any language as long as someone can describe to him in Thai Sign Language the subject to be learned. Imagine if we insist people like Mr Yap to learn using only English language, then he needs to first learn the sign language of native English country (British/American/Australian/NZ, etc). Similarly, our children can learn Science and Mathematics in Malay as long as someone can describe it in Malay. If we insist that our children can only learn Science and Mathematics in English, they must first learn English. 

By the way, do you know that most scientific terms currently used in English Language are originally from non-english? Well, that another story :)

Added Nov 12 (Saturday)
Interestingly, some is suing the government over the issue.

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