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Tuesday 8 November 2011

PPSMI - Follow up discussion

What's the issue?
Closed or not closed?
If I may borrow the famous quote from the X-files...."the truth is out there." 

The government (Education Minister) admitted that there were implementation issues surrounding PPSMI. 

When the policy was introduced, like any other government policies there were supporters and oppositions. Those supporting it said that it will help improve English among our school children. Also supporting were those who believe that English is the best language to teach and learn Science and Mathematics. On the other camp, people noted that command of English was poor among school children, let alone learning Science and Mathematics in English. Thus there were calls of discrimination i.e. the policy was favoring urban school children as well as the non-malays, under the assumption that these population had better command of English, thus would be advantaged. With strong political will (under Dr M) the policy was "bulldozed". Incentives were given to teachers who teach the subjects in English (it started with English teachers then overflowed to Science and Mathematics teachers).

As the English physicist discovered (Read my blog "PPSMI - why must we learn Science and Mathematics in English"), the best way to share their scientific discoveries was to use a common language i.e. English, teachers and students in our schools also discovered that the best way to progress through the Science and Mathematics curriculum is to use a common language.  End results, our school children still rely on their English teachers for English competence while Science and Mathematics knowledge were transferred using language comfortable to both teacher and learner (could be English, BM, Tamil, Chinese, etc). Since textbooks were printed in English, terms used were kept in issue (read my blog "Is English the language of knowledge by default")

My analysis of what's happening today has a parallel the QCC cycle = Plan, Do, Check, Action (PDCA).  The Plan was to improve English language competence among our school children. The Do was to implement PPSMI. Obviously Check was done to discover the many deviation from Plan, including the fact that majority of schools had used bi-lingual in teaching and learning of Science and Mathematics. Thus the original objective  of improving English language competence is at risk. Action is to repeal PPSMI and introduce a new policy MBMMBI. In a way, this will put the original Plan back on track. On that ground, I do salute the Ministry. However, I would also suggest that the Ministry should also practice Stakeholder analysis (fishbone diagram would be useful) besides practicing PDCA. While we are at it, do also capacity and capability analysis. I'm sure what I had described is nothing new to the Ministry as the Quality Movement (QCC) was common in government offices during its peak, pretty much the same way KPI is now. Or has these productivity and quality tools has become ancients artifact to civil servants (I bet KPI will one day be). As usual, I guess, we always like to do things right but not the right thing.

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