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Sunday 23 October 2011

Should English be the default language?

 This was on The Star (20th October 2011) pg 54.

The views of this writer had aroused me to write my perspective of the issue.  In my earlier blog postings, I questioned whether English should be the default language for Commerce and Knowledge (Academic & Intellectual interactions). I proposed that the language of the trading partner that have the upper hand in the trading transaction will be the language of commerce (at least in the transactions involving the two parties). I also proposed that the language of Knowledge is the language use to create, transfer/share and apply the knowledge.

While one can insist on English to be the language of commerce if and when one has an upper hand in trading or both parties agrees to do so, I find it wrong for one to insist on English to be the language of knowledge. To help me with this argument, I invite you to watch this video from The speaker talk about how insisting on English will limit knowledge and in fact cause lost of knowledge. Enjoy the video.

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