
Hi there, welcome to Pro Mind Resources. This site was created to reach out to our friends, share knowledge and offer our services to all. Feel free to browse and share your thoughts or comments. We want to be the platform for Personal Reflection Opportunity. We offer programs that are Multiple Intelligence Nurturing Development. Hope you find what you are looking for and do come again. Something new will be published on our blogs weekly. To follow Pro Mind, please click on the Join this site link on your right. Thank you.

Friday 21 October 2011

Programs for School Holidays

Dear Loving Parents,

Pro Mind Resources in collaboration with Dolphin Swimming Academy, proudly present to you an opportunity to equip your children with survival skills. The year end School Holiday incredible Programs (SHiP) are designed for school children to spend their year-end school holidays productively. 

Our Aquatic competence module offers opportunity for the children to develop their Aquatic Competence. They will be certified by the Academy but more importantly they will know how to survive in water. 

  • Aqua Kids (age group: 7-12 yo)
  • Aqua Teens (age group: 13-19 yo)
Class available daily during school holidays Monday to Thursday starting 21st November 2011.
Sessions available: Morning session (9am - 12noon) & Afternoon session (2pm - 5pm)

Top-up the Aquatic Competence module with our Motivation and Character building modules to provide a balanced personal development of your children. This will equip them with survival skills in water as well as in society. 
  • Aqua Kids Camp (age group: 7 -12 yo)
  • Aqua Teens Camp (age group: 13 - 19 yo)
Camps available every weekends during school holidays starting 25th November 2011.
Aqua Kids Camp: 25th - 27th November & 9th - 11th December 
Aqua Teens Camp: 2nd - 4th December & 16th - 18 December

No minimum swimming experience is required to join the programs but children certified for Aquatic Competence are not allowed into this program. Instead we recommend further further development of their skills with Dolphin Swimming Academy 

We ensure effectiveness of our programs by maintaining our Instructors to participants ratio in each program. Register today or you'll missed out on the opportunity to develop aquatic competence for you children. 

Check out the SHiP blogpage for program details. Visit Dolphin Swimming Academy on facebook for details of other Aquatic programs available (especially for your Aquatic Competent children). 


Let's make a difference, prevent our children from drowning.

To register/inquiry contact
019-2421229 (Sam)
013-6408681 (Aziz)

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