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Friday 14 October 2011

Post UPSR Activity @ SKPU 3

Event: Year 6 Motivation

Participants: 160 Year 6 students of SPKU3

Date: 5 October 2011

I got an opportunity to have a reunion with participants of our English Camp 2011 when the school invited me to facilitate a motivation session for Year 6 students after their UPSR exam. Organised 4 games for them.  The most challenging for all the teams was the single track game

As expected, kid at this age group would have a Win thinking.  Unfortunately for them, to "win" this game, both teams must cooperate.

The reflection for this game, as I shared with the students is that to win, you must allow others to win as well. I drilled to them the concept of 'abundance mentality'.

The most mind boggling for the kids was the newspaper game. The challenge given to them was to cut one piece of newspaper in such a way that it form a ring which all team members (10 of them) can fit in.  

No breaks allowed.

Use of sticky tapes draws penalty points.

They were asked to plan first.

Experiment on a smaller piece of paper.

Of the 16 teams, only 3 managed to complete the task without help.

The rest need some tips and even demonstration.

A couple of team failed to complete the task.
Lesson learn is that nothing is impossible.  The trick to this trick is the way the newspaper is cut.  If done with proper technique, the ring can fit up to 30 people!!!


Then it's time to reflect on the games and also to give a bit of motivation to the kids.

 I showed a couple of inspirational video clips.

And finally, having fun with some of the kids that attended the English camp.  Most of these kids knew me as Uncle Sam.

We first met during a motivation session I did for their Motation and Leadership workshop organised by the school before the English Camp.

Then off course during the English Camp.

Last but not least, credits to the two gentlemen that had help me with this event.  Athar and buddies (BFF?) The way they handle the kids and the way the kids respond to them were just amazing.

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