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Thursday 29 December 2011

The King Trauma - Leadership lesson from Deep Rooted Tree

In the Drama series Deep Rooted Tree, King Sejong (Lee Do) displayed characteristics of a good, if not great leader. First and foremost, he had a vision. His vision was for a different Jeseon, at least not the way his predecessor (King Tejong) had ruled the country i.e. by concentrating all power to the King. He wanted his subjects to have the rights to be educated in contrast to the practice of the era that education is almost exclusive for Noblemen. He believe that his subjects will be empowered once they are educated (sounds familiar?) He saw the barrier to "education for all" vision was the script used i.e. Chinese characters, thousands of them to be learnt (or remember). He envisage a simple script that enable recording and transmittal of Joseon sounds so that his subjects not only could write the sounds they made but also read what they had written the way they pronounce the words. 

As any good leaders, his vision was a shared vision. In the series we could see that at least 3 scholars were very supportive of this initiative. The palace servants (at least 4 of them) were also very committed to see the success of this vision. In particular, Soo Yi  (Dham) shared the vision to the extend of risking her own life to see that the vision materialized. To see such demonstration of loyalty to a vision is to see a successful sharing of a vision. This brings us to the second leadership characteristic - Inspiring.

Like any great leaders, King Sejong's vision has became shared vision and people supporting his vision had made it their own. This was amplified by Soo Yi character. She blamed herself for the death of Ddol Bok's (Kang Chae Yoon) father. Only if she could actually read, they would had been saved from the terror they had to endure as childhood friends. She believed in what the King wanted to accomplish and that same goal had became her personal goal. We could also see in lesser extend the other characters showing similar enthusiasm for the script project. When followers made contribution because they want to and not because they had to (as displayed by these characters), King Sejong had accomplished what only great leaders could have achieved inspire others to a common vision. It is not enough to only share a vision, leaders need to ensure his followers are able to make meaningful contribution towards realizing the vision. This brings to another leadership characteristic - Empowering.

In many occasions that King Sejong had assigned "royal secret task" to his people. He gave clear direction (performance objectives, goals, target, etc) but simple instructions (almost none). He left it to his people to carry out his directions the way they know best. For instance, when he assigned Kang Chae Yoon to investigate the murder of his scholars (they were on his royal secret task) he gave his freedom to carry out his duty. When he assigned Soo Yi and palace servants the task of disseminating the script, he leave it to them to figure out the best way to achieve his clear goals/objectives. The part I liked most to demonstrate this empowerment was when he assigned Chae Yoon to protect Soo Yi and the servants. His direction was for Chae Yoon to see that Soo Yi carry out her mission successfully. How? "I believe you know best how to ensure that" he told Chae Yoon. It is easy to empower others but empowerment must comes with authority. The word "power" is the "middle name" for empowerment. However, to give power to others may not be easy; that is if you are not a leader like Lee Do. He trust his people, which is the next leadership characteristic displayed in Deep Rooted Tree.
Lee Do (King Sejong) showed a high degree of trust, especially to his people. He valued trust more than anything else. More importantly, he trust himself! Yes, before we could trust others or demand others to trust us, we must ask this question: "Can I be trusted?".  Obviously, the King was a man of his words. He honor each and every promises he made. It was easy to see why his people are loyal to him, especially Moo Hyul and Soo Yi.  Once a leader demonstrated trust as a value, his follower will reciprocate with trust.

Last characteristic that I would like to share is principle-centred leadership (or self-less leadership). The King (and also Moo Hyul and Soo Yi) had demonstrated this characteristic. They had put the cause ahead of their personal wants and needs. It is not personal glory that a good leader seek. It is common good. A cause worth dying did Moo Hyul, Soo Yi, Chae Yoon and many others who died for the common cause of ensuring the new Script introduced and promulgated. The King in many occasion, especially in debating with his oppositions, had focus on principles rather than personal agenda. Even when he lost his son, murdered by Mil boon (Hidden Root), he remain focused on his mission. Soo Yi also focused on her mission to her last breath. The same for Chae Yoon and Moo Hyul, fighting the last drop of their blood for the cause....such a selfless act when both of them requested the King to continue with the Mission, ignoring their need for medical attention.

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