
Hi there, welcome to Pro Mind Resources. This site was created to reach out to our friends, share knowledge and offer our services to all. Feel free to browse and share your thoughts or comments. We want to be the platform for Personal Reflection Opportunity. We offer programs that are Multiple Intelligence Nurturing Development. Hope you find what you are looking for and do come again. Something new will be published on our blogs weekly. To follow Pro Mind, please click on the Join this site link on your right. Thank you.

My Philosophy


  Seek and you will find,
   Use and you will benefit,
     Share and you will learn.

If we were to compile all the knowledge from the beginning of time until the end of time, we would need more than just a life-time.

If we were to use ocean water from this world as ink to write knowledge, and use every twigs in this world as the pen to write knowledge, we would have consumed all the ocean water and all the twigs but we we would not have written all the knowledge.

Our grandchildren would learn in a day all the knowledge we had learned in our life time, the same way we had learned in a day what our grandparents had learned in their life time.

I decided to form Pro Mind Resources as a vehicle for me to contribute back to society. I had learned a lot so far in my short life and I am sure that I will learn more in what ever balance of life I have. When the day arrive for me to depart, I am pretty sure that I would not have learned all the knowledge there is to learn and I would not have possibly shared all the knowledge I had. Nonetheless, I would like to share my knowledge to as many next generation as possible.

To learn more....
hp: 019-2421229 (Sam)